Designer and course architect: Matt Ryan
Year installed: 2019
The installation of a beginner friendly, 9-hole neighborhood disc golf course was high on my priority list for many years. I teach high school AP Chemistry (and disc golf) and I wanted a place to take my students to play and learn the game that was relatively close to school and fun for beginners. I also believed that Lubbock needed a more accessible disc golf course as an entry point for new players.
I discovered McCullough Park and after walking around it about 50 times, I designed a nine hole course with a practice basket. I decided to try out the design by holding a PDGA sanctioned league at the park with temp baskets. It was a success. I tweaked the design numerous times, trying to create a fun, family friendly course that would also challenge seasoned players.
Rob Lee and I set up a meeting with Lubbock City Councilman Steve Massengale to request permission to install the course. Steve was very supportive, especially when he realized that this project would not cost the Lubbock taxpayers one dime. Once we received approval from Lubbock Parks and Recreation, I finalized the design and construction began.
I began to spread the word that we had approval for a new disc golf course and we needed money and workers. The Lubbock Disc Golf community responded! Several generous donors sponsored holes almost immediately and within a month the entire course was sponsored. Volunteers dug and set forms for the tee pads, helped assemble and install the baskets, and installed the tee signs. We set a date to pour the concrete tee pads and several eager volunteers showed up to help out.
Bruce Carter donated the pipe and Jeff Emrich donated the welding of the plates to the pipes to make large, heavy duty tee signs for the course. The following people donated time to course construction: Matt Ryan, Pam Ryan, Rob Lee, Roy Turner, Moses Pena, Mat Dominguez, Trey Ward, Daniel Stevens, Jeremy Ellis, Noah Ellis, Jamie Kemp, Laney Vickers, Jenny Munn, Dustin Dulaney, Bruce Carter, Jordon Poff, Dillon Valance, Brock Buford, Jason Walker, David Moss, Tim Doty, and JT Seymore.